E-Bike Comparisons

E-Bike Comparisons

Thorough Reviews

Below are comparison videos on similar type e-bikes. New reviews are added weekly. If you know the bike you want to see a review for, you can type it in the search bar. 

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Check out the latest in E-bikes and Tech.

  • Aventon Aventure Cold Temperature Battery Test

    It seems that lately in my videos, either someone crashes or we break equipment. In this video, I do both... again.

  • Velotric Nomad 1 Mods and Accessories

    I show you all the modifications and accessories I have installed on to my Nomad 1 Fat Tire ebike.

  • Do it Now! Upgrade to Hydraulic Brakes for ebikes
    Upgrade to Hydraulic Brakes for ebikes

    If you don't like the mechanical disc brakes on your e-bike you can switch them out just by switching the calipers and using hybrid hydraulic calipers. This is a cost-efficient way to upgrade your brake system.

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