E-Bike Comparisons

E-Bike Comparisons

Thorough Reviews

Below are comparison videos on similar type e-bikes. New reviews are added weekly. If you know the bike you want to see a review for, you can type it in the search bar. 

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  • Engwe M20 Cold Weather Review
    Engwe M20 Cold Weather Review

    Are you looking for a new way to commute? Check out the Engwe M20! This bike is perfect for those who want to escape the norm and explore new places.

  • Is This the Best Battery Bag for Ebikes?
    Is This the Best Battery Bag for Ebikes?

    Did I find the perfect bag to hold an extra battery during long trips? This bag was well thought out and it has even more room to hold extra gear.

  • I'M DONE with the Vanpowers Manidae! Here's why.
    I’M DONE with the Vanpowers Manidae!

    I was hoping the issues I had with the Vanpowers Manidea had been worked out. I was mistaken. I have reviewed many e-bikes and this is the only one that I have had this much trouble with. 

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