E-Bike Comparisons

E-Bike Comparisons

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Below are comparison videos on similar type e-bikes. New reviews are added weekly. If you know the bike you want to see a review for, you can type it in the search bar. 

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  • Say Goodbye to Ghost Pedaling on Your Mokwheel Basalt, Basalt ST, Scoria
    Say Goodbye to Ghost Pedaling on Mokwheel E-bikes

    Is your Machwheel Basalt, Basalt ST, or Machwheel Scoria plagued by the annoying issue of ghost pedaling? Don't worry, I've got the solution for you! In this video, I'll show you how to fix the problem for less than $50.

  • Affordable Folding eBike Delivers Long-lasting Battery: Sohamo S3
    Sohamo S3 Review

    Looking for folding ebike with killer range for under 1k? Check out the review of Sohamo S3.

  • Find the Perfect $250 Bike Rack for Electric Bikes: Young Electric SOLE
    Young Electric SOLE Bike Rack Review

    Are you looking for a single bike rack to accommodate your electric bike? Look no further than the Young Electric SOLE bike rack.

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