E-Bike Comparisons

E-Bike Comparisons

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Below are comparison videos on similar type e-bikes. New reviews are added weekly. If you know the bike you want to see a review for, you can type it in the search bar. 

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  • Velotric Range Extender Battery
    Velotric Range Extender Battery

    If you own the Velotric T1 or Velotric T1ST, Velotric came out with a battery extender that gives the bike up to 45% more distance. In this video, I show you how to install it and how it works.

  • Newbie MTB Rider Tries Sedona Trails for the First Time
    Newbie MTB Rider Tries Sedona Trails for the First Time

    I haven't been riding mountain bikes for very long. This is my first time riding an analog MTB bike and my first time on Sedona trails. Can a 55-year-old newbie survive?

  • Creating the Ultimate Utility Bike: Mokwheel Scoria Upgrades
    Mokwheel Scoria Upgrades

    In this review, I show you all my upgrades to my Mokwheel Scoria to make it my favorite utility bike.

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