E-Bike Comparisons

E-Bike Comparisons

Thorough Reviews

Below are comparison videos on similar type e-bikes. New reviews are added weekly. If you know the bike you want to see a review for, you can type it in the search bar. 

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Check out the latest in E-bikes and Tech.

  • Magicycle Ocelot Pro Review
    Magicycle Ocelot Pro

    Only two things keep this bike from being perfect. 

  • Lankeleisi MG740 Plus
    Lankeleisi MG740 Plus

    AWD eBikes are always a good time. With their excellent toque and climbing capabilities, I attempt to climb my steepest hill yet on any e-bike. Does it make it?

  • Aipas A2 Review
    Aipas A2 Elite

    It's great to see a budget e-bike perform as well as other bikes that are more expensive.

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