Velotric Discover 2 Firmware Update

Velotric Discover 2 Firmware Update

Velotric made a firmware update to the Discover 2 that now allows you to switch between Torque and Cadence Sensors.


Velotric Discover 2’s new firmware update allows users to switch between torque and cadence sensors, enhancing versatility and performance.

  • 🚴‍♂️ Firmware Update: Discover 2 now supports torque and cadence sensor options.
  • 🔄 Easy Switching: Users can toggle between sensor modes via the app.
  • Enhanced Performance: Torque sensor offers responsive acceleration based on pedaling pressure.
  • 🎯 Cadence Control: Cadence mode caps speed based on pedal assist level for smoother rides.
  • 💸 Great Value: The update effectively gives users two bikes for the price of one under $2,000.
  • 👍 User-Friendly: Simple update process via the app makes it accessible for all users.
  • 💰 Discount Available: Link in description includes a $60 discount code for the Discover 2.
Key Insights
  • 🚴‍♂️ Versatility Boost: The dual sensor option significantly enhances the bike’s adaptability, catering to various riding styles and preferences.
  • 🔄 User Empowerment: Allowing users to choose their preferred sensor mode empowers them to optimize their riding experience based on terrain and conditions.
  • ⚡ Performance Optimization: The torque sensor’s responsiveness can lead to a more dynamic ride, especially for users who enjoy an engaging cycling experience.
  • 🎯 Speed Regulation: The cadence sensor’s limitation on speed provides safety and control, making it ideal for casual riders or those new to e-bikes.
  • 💸 Cost-Effectiveness: The ability to switch between sensor types means consumers get added functionality without a significant price increase, enhancing perceived value.
  • 👍 Accessibility: The straightforward update process ensures that even less tech-savvy users can take advantage of the new features without hassle.
  • 💰 Promotional Advantage: The inclusion of a discount code incentivizes potential buyers, making the Discover 2 even more attractive in a competitive market.

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