Finally! A Real Apple Studio Under Desk Mount

Finally! A Real Apple Studio Under Desk Mount

I review the Oveveo Apple MAC Studio Mount and use it to hang my apple studio under my desk.

Setting up the cable management system

  • The YouTuber’s desk had wires everywhere underneath, making cable management necessary.
  • The Oveveo company reached out to the YouTuber, offering to send them cable management products to help.
  • The YouTuber hasn’t opened the box yet, so they will discover what’s inside together with the audience.

“My buddies at Oveveo reached out and said, ‘Bro,’ and I was like, ‘Bro,’ and they were like, ‘Bro,’ and I was like, ‘Bro,’ and they said they’re gonna send me some stuff because that is atrocious and we think we can help.”

Unboxing the cable management products

  • The YouTuber is excited about the size of the box they received from Oveveo.
  • Inside the box, the YouTuber finds a velcro cable strap and two different sizes of cable sleeves.

“Look at the size of this box that they sent me, no idea what’s in it.”

Assessing the quality and usefulness of the cable management products

  • The YouTuber feels the velcro cable strap and notices its strong and durable construction.
  • The cable strap has some openings and screws for running cables through.
  • There are two different sizes of cable sleeves, which the YouTuber believes will be useful for organizing cables.

“Look at this…This thing is like rolled steel, so it’s not like one of those cheap aluminum type things…I think that’s gonna be a good thing right there…This one’s nice and fat. This one’s a little bit thinner, but uh…I think I have some spots where that would go.”

Disassembling the computer setup for cable management

  • The YouTuber turns off all the equipment before disassembling everything.
  • They take apart the computer and show the messy wiring underneath the desk.

“Now that I have everything turned off, I’m going to disassemble stuff, but I’m going to give you…I’m going to show you what it looks like underneath there. It’s not pretty, so if you have a weak stomach, I suggest you look away.”

The lengthy and challenging cable management process

  • The YouTuber realizes that moving the computer setup will help with cable management by eliminating the need for USB extenders.
  • They move the setup to a new location to facilitate cable routing.
  • The project becomes larger than initially anticipated, causing frustration.

“I’m gonna have to move this side to this side. Then everything should run down…But at least it’ll be nice…and then I can touch up the back of this wall.”

Exploring additional cable management options

  • The YouTuber plans to use a bracket provided by Oveveo to organize the cables behind the desk.
  • They intend to purchase an actual case for the Apple studio, which will require further adjustments.

“So, I want to use this bracket to organize all these wires back here…Now, what I have to do is…move this tray that I’m using to hold my Apple studio…to where it’s gonna go when it’s stationary…I have to move everything forward.”

Overcoming challenges and completing the cable management

  • The YouTuber uses packing tape to temporarily hold up a part of the setup while securing it.
  • The cable management project takes a long time but is eventually completed.

“Man, that was an incredibly long project…but you guys made it, we all made it…I’m super happy with how it turned out. Oveveo came through with the hookup…that tray was the MVP part of this whole cable management system.”

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