Giant Trance X E+3 on Bendix Woods Trail

Giant Trance X E+3 on Bendix Woods Trail

In the pursuit of learning how to ride a mountain bike, I check out Bendix Woods MTB trail located in New Carisle, IN. Am I going to wreck on every trail? I guess we will find out. So far, all signs point to “Yes.”

Video Summary


  • The speaker is at Bendix Woods mountain bike trail. This is the 2nd time he has ridden his Giant mountain bike.
  • He has made some modifications to his bike since his last ride to improve his experience.

“Guys I am at it again, I’m here for my second time going out and taking my Giant mountain bike on some mountain bike trails. I’m at Bendix Woods mountain bike trail.”

Bike modifications

  • The speaker had previously wiped out on his bike and took it to a bike shop for modifications.
  • The handlebars on his bike were originally 800 millimeters wide, but they were cut down to 780 millimeters to improve maneuverability.
  • The speaker also put thicker grips back on the bike to see if it helps with hand numbness.
  • The controller on the bike was moved away from the handlebar grip to avoid accidentally knocking it out of automatic mode.

“Um, I’ve learned some lessons from my last time that I rode and I wiped out. I ended up taking the bike over to the bike shop where I got the bike where these guys are like mountain bike experts, and what they did is they realized that the handlebars on my bike are 800 millimeters wide. That’s pretty wide, and what they did is they had me like get into push-up position, measured out what my normal like you know spread was, and then they cut the bars down to 780 millimeters. Now we’re not sure if I’m going to be happier with 760 or 780, but we’re doing 780 today so I can see how that feels because you can always take more off you can’t put more on.”

Testing the modifications

  • The speaker tests out the new handlebar size and already feels an improvement, even though only 10 millimeters were taken off each side.
  • The speaker also mentions that he feels better with the thicker grips.
  • The controller was moved away from the handlebar grip to avoid accidentally knocking it out of automatic mode.
  • The speaker expresses satisfaction with the modifications and is excited to ride with them.

“I can tell already by the way these handlebars feel that it’s better, even though we only took 10 millimeters off of each side. It’s like I can feel it already on the modifications that I’ve made. Not only did we trim the handlebars, but I put my thicker grips back on. I want to see how that’s going to go. Let’s see if I don’t have my hands going numb. These already feel better, so I think that’s gonna be a good ride. The only other thing was we moved the controller that was right next to the grip, moved it a little bit away from there, because I like this biking automatic mode. That’s one of the reasons I got it, and I feel like my hand was hitting that controller before and knocking it out of automatic mode. Well, moving it out of the way should solve that issue.”

Enjoying the trail

  • The speaker comments that the Bendix Woods mountain bike trail is well-marked.
  • The speaker enjoys the flow section of the trail.
  • The speaker mentions that he brought goggles, but they feel uncomfortable and push down on his nose.
  • He plans to switch to clear glasses or goggles to ensure comfort.
  • The speaker expresses the enjoyment of riding the trail and the feeling of flying through it.

“This would be a nice Trail if it wasn’t so close to the highway and hearing all that Highway noise…I feel like I’m flying through this course.”

Personal thoughts and goals

  • The speaker reflects on the mental health benefits of mountain biking and the opportunity to focus on oneself, the trail, and nature.
  • The speaker acknowledges the need to work on their technique, specifically sharp turns.
  • The speaker expresses their goal of completing all the trails in the area and getting them verified on their mountain biking app.

“This is like a mental health day…you just relax and just feel it…still gotta work on these sharp rights…my goal is to get all these trails around here…verified completed on all trails…but I want to do them all with this.”

A difficult section

  • Scott managed to make it through a challenging section of the trail.

“Made it through though”

Regain the rhythm

  • Scott reflects on having a good rhythm earlier and wants to get it back.

“I had a good rhythm going there before, just gotta get it back”

Struggles with correcting the bike

  • Scott overcorrects his bike and has a difficult time regaining control.

“Got it over corrected holy cow”

Something on the trail

  • Scott encounters something on the trail and wonders if there is something else to explore.

“Oh what’s this? Go up here is there something else?”

Trail and plans for future rides

  • Scott shares his overall experience of the trail, mentions modifications he wants to make to his bike, and expresses his commitment to improving.

“This is a really nice Trail… Every time I do something I learn a little bit more and we’re going to make some small changes… by the end of the season I’ll have her down pat”

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