Velotric Nomad 1 – Ebike Extreme Cold Weather Test – Round 1

Velotric Nomad 1 – Ebike Extreme Cold Weather Test – Round 1

I take my Velotric Nomad 1 through some extremely cold temps. Round 1

Video Summary


  • The video takes place in Indiana Dunes State Park, where the temperature is 28 degrees and it has been snowing.
  • The narrator is testing the Velotric Nomad 1 e-bike in extreme cold weather conditions.
  • The goal is to see how well the bike performs and how long the battery lasts on the 11.5-mile trail.

“I’m at the Indiana Dunes, it’s 28 degrees, it’s been snowing and I’m gonna take my Bellatrix Nomad one and see how well it does in this kind of weather condition.”

Testing the Bike

  • The narrator weighs 230 pounds and plans to ride the bike on the trail with tires inflated to 10 pounds of pressure.
  • The battery is not expected to last forever, but it should ideally last for the entire 11.5-mile trail.

“I do expect it to last that long, plus I mean, I’m 230 pounds, we got cold weather, I’m going to take these tires down to like 10 pounds of pressure and yeah, we’re gonna see how this whole thing goes down.”

Equipment and Filming Setup

  • The narrator usually films with drones and 360 cameras, but he anticipates falling during this test and does not want to damage his equipment.
  • Instead, he is only using his phone and a GoPro for filming.

“You just got my phone and a GoPro… because I have a feeling that there’s a really good chance that I’m going to be wiping out a few times.”

Trail Exploration

  • The narrator is unsure about the chosen trail and decides to explore a different area due to the icy and snowy conditions.
  • He finds a trail that leads to the beach and plans to ride on that instead of the streets.
  • The initial part of the trail has steps, but he quickly finds a more suitable path.

“I don’t feel thrilled about [the current trail]. I think I might just hit a whole different trail because this is all I know where that’s taking me and it’s all streets. This looks like a trail… been on wheels a little bit back here.”

Riding Conditions and Bike Performance

  • The narrator expresses his admiration for the bike’s versatility and how well it handles different terrain.
  • He mentions that the bike cuts through thick sand and that fat tire bikes, especially electric ones, are great for various types of riding.
  • The strong wind and freezing temperatures affect his comfort during the ride.

“You know, that’s what I really love about these bikes, it’s just how versatile they are, how you can basically do… I mean this thing’s cut right through it, I love fat tire bikes, especially electric fat tire bikes.” “This wind is fierce… you know, so you can’t get a workout on these, but not true.”

Challenges with Cold Weather and Gloves

  • The narrator mentions that his gloves are not keeping his hands warm, and he regrets not having better gloves.
  • He briefly discusses bar mittens, which he doesn’t like the appearance of, but acknowledges they would be useful in this weather.
  • He decides to conclude this ride due to the cold and the inadequate gloves.

“These gloves are not gonna cut it, my hands are freezing… I’ve never been a huge fan of [bar mittens] just because I don’t like how they look, but I would probably be a fan right now.” “I am gonna have to cut this video short because there’s no way my hands are gonna handle this.”

Bike Versatility and Dirty Bike

  • The narrator emphasizes again the versatility of the bike and how it helps explore new areas.
  • He acknowledges that the bike is already dirty from the short ride and comments on the upcoming challenge of cleaning it.

“If it wasn’t for this bike, I’d have never seen that part of the beach.” “The whole thing was doomed from the beginning realistically… and now I got to take it into our cabin… that’s gonna be fun to clean.”


  • The narrator acknowledges that this particular ride didn’t go as planned due to the cold weather and inadequate gloves.
  • He expresses the hope that with proper preparation, riders can still enjoy e-bike rides in extreme cold weather.

“Well, that was a fail… at least you know that not all YouTube videos are going to turn out… if you bundle up and do it right, you can enjoy the ride.”

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