Cold Weather Gloves for your E-bike: SabotHeat Heated Glove Review

Cold Weather Gloves for your E-bike: SabotHeat Heated Glove Review

I wanted a pair of heated gloves to use during cold weather rides on my e-bikes. In this video, we’re looking at SabotHeat heated gloves, one of the best cold-weather gloves for your e-bike.

Video Summary

Testing Gloves in Cold Weather

  • In a previous video, the reviewer tested gloves in 28 degree weather and experienced frozen hands.
  • The reviewer hopes that the SabotHeat Heated Gloves will solve this issue.
  • The gloves are battery-powered with four different heat levels.

“I’m hoping this is the solution to my issues.”

Testing the Gloves

  • The reviewer is currently wearing the gloves without any power going to them.
  • Despite windy conditions, the gloves effectively block wind from touching the hands.

“I don’t feel any wind touching my hands at all which is pretty good.”

Turning on the Gloves

  • The reviewer turns on the gloves by holding the power button for three seconds.
  • The gloves have four heat levels: white (lowest), red (highest), purple, and green.
  • The gloves automatically turn on at the highest level.

“Before I even finished setting up the other glove, I turn it on the white level or the lowest power level. I was already feeling the heat.”

Positive Initial Impressions

  • The gloves are quickly perceived as a game changer.
  • The reviewer mentions the ability to customize the heat level based on individual comfort.

“These things are going to be a game changer for sure.”

Effectiveness of Heat Levels

  • The reviewer believes that even the lowest heat level is enough to keep hands comfortable in 30-degree weather.
  • The gloves provide gentle heat to the top of the palms and fingers.

“My fingers are already starting to get warm. That’s something.”

Testing Different Heat Levels

  • The reviewer tests the second, third, and fourth heat levels of the gloves.
  • The gloves perform well on all levels, with the reviewer noting warm, comfortable hands even in cold, windy conditions.

“My hands are just as comfortable as the rest of my body.”

Gloves as a Game Changer

  • The reviewer believes that these gloves will greatly enhance comfort during rides, making them more enjoyable.
  • They express excitement about using the gloves for longer trips and colder weather conditions.

“It’s gonna make these rides so much more comfortable.”

Potential for Other Activities

  • The reviewer thinks the gloves could be suitable for activities like hiking in cold weather.
  • More testing is required to determine the gloves’ full potential.

“I think they’ll do just fine.”

Overall Positive Experience

  • After a three-mile ride, the reviewer’s hands feel great.
  • The gloves are praised for their overall performance and comfort.

“My hands are totally comfortable.”

Gloves purchase and initial impressions

  • The gloves were purchased by the reviewer, not gifted. They found a review on YouTube and decided to give the gloves a try for their bike.

“I saw a review on these gloves and it was a guy who drives motorcycles so I figured I would give it a shot for the bike super happy that I did.”

Heat levels and battery run time

  • The gloves have four heat levels: white (lowest), green, purple, and red.
  • The white level provides an average temperature of 113 degrees Fahrenheit with a run time of four to five hours.
  • The green level reaches approximately 122 degrees Fahrenheit with the same run time.
  • The purple level maintains a temperature of around 131 degrees Fahrenheit with a run time of three to four hours.
  • The red level offers the highest temperature of about 140 degrees Fahrenheit and a run time of two to three hours.

“Looking at the lowest setting which is white, it’s going to put the inside of the glove at 113 degrees Fahrenheit with an average of four to five hours…the fourth level is red on the inside of your gloves it’s about 140 degrees Fahrenheit and the run time is about two to three hours.”

Glove features and design

  • The gloves are made from goat skin and are suggested to be water repellent, although the reviewer is uncertain about this claim.
  • The gloves have a textured area for better grip on the handlebars.
  • They also feature a Velcro strap to securely fasten the gloves around the wrist and a pull tie to tighten them around the coat.
  • The interior of the gloves has a pouch where the batteries can be plugged in.
  • The gloves come with a charger that has two extensions and indicator lights to signify the charging status.
  • Two 3,000 milliamp lithium-ion batteries are included, one for each glove.

“As you can see, it has a nice textured area where the gripping handle is…it has this Velcro strap so that you can, you know, cinch it around your wrist…on the inside here is a pouch as you can see right here is the plug-in for the batteries…you’ll find two 3,000 milliamp lie on batteries one goes in each one of the pouches.”

Touch capability and product recommendation

  • The gloves have touch capability, allowing users to use their phones without taking them off.
  • The reviewer is excited to use these gloves during the winter season in Chicago.
  • They provide a link to purchase the gloves in the video description.

“The gloves also have that touch capability…I am very much looking forward to using these gloves during the winter season here in Chicago…if they interest you and you’re thinking about it you know what I’m going to leave a link to them down in the description.”

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